
Personal Programs

a program that makes you much better in the work environment, starting from the way you lead, communicate, behave, and manage other work

The program to ignite and sustain staffs motivation to be capable individual contributors. Have the proactive attitude; taking responsibility for anything that happens and does not leave it to the other party, translate existing targets into specific and measurable actions, working together as a team, and commit to improve self capabilities.

Self management for staffs with emphasize on the purpose of their jobs, urgent-important matrix, and importance scheduling. Also how to handle procrastination and unreasonable requests.

Started with the essence of stress, the training continued with positive and negative impacts of stress to individuals performance. One uniqueness of this training is the asessment of participants’ level of stress. The stress management down to earth application is given through ABC Strategy, counseling, and relaxation techniques.

Our merged, re-structured and enhanced Stress Management and Time Management programs.

Straight to the point program which train participants to examine problems through 6 comprehensive point of views. Upgraded with more mock-up cases and how to perform the thinking in group context.

Assess current situation to determine whether the deviation is significant or not,asks the right questions, collects relevant data-information, identify possible causes, determine main cause and establish possible solutions.

The program to foster understanding of the fundamentals of structure thinking process, how to build a pyramid of thinking, how to look critically at the groupings of variables/reasons, and how to define a problem. Cases is build from participants’ jobs realities.

How to systematically enhance self-capabilities through abundance opportunities to learn for increasing career aligned with organization goals. Tools: Individual Development Plan.

Service excellence mindset, service excellent principles towards external and internal customers and handling complain.

The program for lower level member of organization so that they can feel comfortable with change, willingly adapts to shifting or competing priorities, and deals with obstacles and constraints without becoming hindered or discouraged.

How to manage our own emotions to enhance social skills for team’s mutual achievements. An increasingly important ability for collaborative working environment.

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Managers Programs

Honing your skills as a manager is an important step in facing professional challenges with confidence, because a manager must have reliable management skills.

Managerial skills for supervisors up to first-line managers based on George R Terry’s Planning-Organizing-Actuating-Controlling.

Builds awareness about the merge functions of leader-manager in today’s business world and also understand various roles of a leader (inspiring, directing, driving, sharing, leading and developing)

Understand what is meant by team, team development stages and team productivity. Constructed on Robbins’ Team, Bennis-Goldsmith Leader-Manager, and Belbin’s Team Roles.

How to provide suitable leadership to subordinates based on their competence and motivation, provide suitable learning opportunities, and delegate the right task and responsibility when they ready.

Systematic and end-to-end problem solving and decision making skill consist of assessment of complex problematic situation, finding the root cause of a problem, determining the best solution, and drawing action plan to secure the implementation of the solution.

This program provides knowledge and skills to plan, implement, and follow-up various reasons, goals, and types of meeting for organization success.

Comprehensive Conflict Management process (not only conflict resolution) started with Pre-conflict (healthy working environment), Midst-conflict (process of resolution), and Post-conflict (lessons for improvement).

Leadership for senior-level managers inspired from international approved management thoughts on the roles of leadership (ex: modeling, inspiring, aligning, enabling and encouraging).

The program to strengthen and broaden everybody’s leadership. Consist of 5 levels, started from the first-time leadership condition up until molding the next leadership.

The program fostering a business mindset of entrepreneurship where people work cross-functionally to create new value and see their team/group/department as a company

A strategic management and lean startup template for developing new or documenting existing business models through 9 building block of business.

The advancement from “Business Acumen” by focusing on the customer segments/profile and value propositions.

A program focusing on the understanding on the individual change preferences and 8 principles to lead change based on international recognized framework. Designed and developed with case studies customized to the core businesses of the respectable clients.

Drawn mainly from Whitemore’s GROW Model, this is the program focusing on giving effective feedback and direction in accordance with interpersonal communication principles which includes increasing subordinate (coachee) self-esteem, listen with empathy, and involvement in overcoming job challenges.

A program focus on the requirements and characteristics need for mentor and mentee, HR unit roles, and mentoring process to ensure future leaders in organizations.

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